A miniature spinyhead (Mesocrangon munitella) with a striped pattern was noticed resting on a rock during a night dive.  This shrimp can be difficult to spot due to its small size and how well it blends into the surrounding rocky reef.

There are two dorsal spines on the miniature spinyhead, as well as three additional spines on each side of the carapace, and the colour and pattern can vary greatly.  The miniature spinyhead can grow to 1 inch (2.5cm) in length, with a range from Queen Charlotte Sound / Tōtaranui, British Columbia to northern Mexico.


Jensen, Gregory.  Crabs and Shrimps of the Pacific Coast: A Guide to Shallow-Water Decapods from Southeastern Alaska to the Mexican Border.  Bremerton: MolaMarine, 2014.